9 Reasons Why We Donate to Charities and Non-profits
Donating your money or gifts to non-profit organizations does not build relationships between you and the organization and is not a business transaction. Instead, it builds your connection with the world. When you are donating anything, it will be disseminated among the needy, who will ultimately pray for you without even knowing about you. You don’t know whose prayers can bring out happiness to you.
There are many organizations out there that are working to attract donors and play a bridge between givers and receivers. Organizations give proof to the donors to show them that their money is being spent on a real cause. In this way, they effectively appeal to us to donate to their cause.
Suppose you are willing to spend a minimal portion of your earnings serving humanity, actually for your peace of mind and heart. In that case, you will surely need to reach out to charity organizations. From here, you get the inspiration to help needy people.
What is a Non-profit organization?
Non-profit or charity organization is an institution established to help society grow by contributing in different ways. You can donate in various ways; you can donate directly by supporting them through money or indirectly through gifts and recyclable products. You can even keep some events being held for a public welfare cause. Different charity organizations work for various reasons. Some might be working to protect women; some might be working to eliminate child labor, some might focus on the environment, and others might be struggling to promote culture, science, art, heritage, and technology.
Non-profit organizations are established on specific terms with the sole purpose of helping others. These organizations check which items can be donated and regulate the donation mechanism to stop the wastage of charity by preventing the charity collectors from gaining personal benefits. They also don’t get any profit from the charity. Every penny that the non profit organization gets should be donated. The organization must be dead honest, and there should be no shareholders to claim any worldly gain. Moreover, the non-profit organizations are also registered with the charity commission with their cause and charity objectives.
They are required to explain how they can face the challenges? What is their strategy? Because they are required to submit an annual report which should be publicly available. This is the right of donors to know where their charity is being spent.
Now, you must be thinking about how many kinds of charity organizations exist, what are their purposes and goals to accomplish. So, below are the most common causes for which non-profit organizations work.
Different Types of charity
Following are some of the common causes of charity that you might be interested in donating to.
Animal charity organization
These organizations work for the welfare and preservation of animals and wildlife.
● Wildlife Conservation Organizations
● HuntingConservation Groups
● Fishing Conservation Groups
● Pet and Animal Welfare Organizations
● Zoos and Aquariums
International NGOs
These organizations work on a global level for the welfare of humanity by considering geographical boundaries.
● International Development NGOs
● Child Sponsorship Organizations
● Disaster Relief & Humanitarian NGOs
● Peace NGOs
● Human Rights NGOs
● Conservation NGOs
Environment NGOs
● Environmental Conservation
● Parks and Nature NGOs
Education charities
● Private Elementary
● High school Charities
● Universities and Colleges funds
● Financial aid services
● School Reform
● Experimental Education
● Support for students, teachers, and parents
Health charities
● Medical Research Charities
● Disease & Disorder Charities
● Medical Services & Treatment
● Patient Support Charities
● Family Support Charities
Art and Culture charities
● Museums & Art Galleries
● Performing Art charities
● Library organizations
● Historical Societies
● Public Broadcasting and Media
Why is Donating to Charities Important?
Listed below are some excellent reasons why it is important to donate to non-profit organizations.
- Helping the planet
- People donate money and things to make this world a better place for those who cannot afford a good living style. When they donate money to organizations, the organizations strategically check for the most attention areas. Some organizations use the donated money to recycle the material and then in the manufacturing of the products. Then, those items are sold at a cheap rate to the localities that cannot afford expensive things. In this way, two welfare causes are met.
First, the environment is protected and kept clean by recycling waste, and second, the product manufactured is sold at a cheap rate to developing countries. So, these also contribute to environmental sustainability. Hence, to conserve our planet, you should search for such organizations and donate to them.
2. Helping organizations
Hundreds of organizations are working for some distinct cause. Some have the goal of reducing poverty by donating basic living things to needy and poor people. The donation that we give to non-profit organizations is used for purchasing items like clothing, food, and primary health care products.
These organizations also work to find out some means of employment to accommodate the families who own none of the earning members. The purpose of finding a job for such families is to increase their standard of living.
3. Helping the poor
Helping the destitute is the primary goal of donating. However, the poor does not mean that poor belong to only third-world countries. Instead, you can find many low-income families around you who are in need of even basic requirements to spend life. Many people cannot afford
● The education for their children
● They don’t have money to buy dowry for their daughters.
● They cannot even feed them properly.
● Many don’t have a proper shelter.
● Dozens of orphans are spending their lives in misery.
So, if you can see such people around you, there is no point in donating to people who live far away because those near to you are your responsibility.
4. Saving the World
With the change in the global climate and ecosystem, many species of plants and animals are becoming endangered. It is our moral duty to preserve those species, or else we will never be able to see them again.
The cutting of the forest woods is reducing the natural habitat of many wild animals who are now facing survival issues. Similarly, plant species are at stake due to the environmental change caused by global warming.
Therefore, the organizations that work for the welfare of such endangered species and the revival of their natural habitat must be encouraged, and we should consider them while donating.
These organizations are struggling to restore the natural habitat by growing trees and creating artificial jungles to preserve wildlife in a better jungle-like habitat.
1- Huge impact
We all are highly concerned about the growing misery and distress in the world. We are concerned with the dire conditions of people, oppression, and poverty. But, we don’t take any practical steps because we think that our minute action will not bring about any particular change. However, this is not a justifiable excuse.
Your charity might not have a significant impact on reducing poverty in the world. Still, your charity has the potential to bring about change and happiness in the life of one family or even one person.
Your donation of $1 can even feed a family a meal a day.
So, this does not matter how much you contribute towards the noble cause of donating your wealth and moral values. If you are making a difference in the life of even a single individual, it is worth struggling for because your donation has a significant impact on a person’s life, which is his whole world.
2- It is beneficial for needy people
You might be thinking that your charity is tiny. Let me tell you that there are millions of people around the globe who are unable to have a meal of one time, buy cloth, proper shelter from the weather.
So, your small donation can have an impact even if it can feed them one time. Even if you donate your old clothes, they can protect a human from harsh climatic conditions.
Many people, if dedicated to donating, can bring about great goodness in the world.
3- Poverty can be reduced
The primary purpose of philanthropic organizations is to enhance the living standard of individuals and to remove poverty.
According to an estimation, the percentage of poverty was 45% globally in 1981, which the effort of organizations tackled 9% in 2015. All this has been possible by the actions and donations of people like us who sometimes donate a few dollars for our old clothes.
Therefore, you should help the non-profit organizations by donating them for eradicating poverty, disease, and illiteracy from our very own mother, Earth.
4- Provides a chance to create a better world
When we are born, our struggle for survival starts; everyone dreams of a happy and luxurious life. Some people are lucky enough to make it up to. However, some don’t get enough resources and opportunities to make their dreams come true.
We all wish the world to be free from poverty, crimes, and diseases. It is well understood that deprivation leads to several crimes. We can control this troubling situation of ever-rising crimes by reducing poverty, and how can we eliminate poverty? By donating to the non-profit organizations that work for improving the living standard on Earth.
They work to create employment because when people are employed, they won’t need to steal anything.
5- Peace of Mind
One of the most significant benefits of helping others is the peace of mind and heart that dominates you whenever you allow anyone.
Donation is not about merely helping others. When you don’t want something, you are helping yourself. You are freeing yourself from the burden of materialism. You feel inner peace and positivity, which can help you and motivate you to achieve bigger.
If you give a child some money to let him enjoy a good dinner, it ultimately brings peace to you by feeling that you are a source of satisfaction and happiness for someone. It makes you realize that your life matters and there exist some noble cause.
6- Spread Justice
Getting justice is a fundamental human right. Social crimes prevail when justice does not play its role properly.
So, justice is very important for the survival of any society. If you are born in a developed country with better living status and luxuries in life, you can still not be sure that all people enjoy justice.
Therefore, it is essential to maintain justice to help humanity grow together.
Justice ensures social sustainability, which is very important to maintain cross-culture survival.
7- Set an example
When you donate anything, you may inspire your social circle, and they may start contributing. Sometimes good deeds spread virally. One initiative can prove to be a great foundation. So, you don’t know how many people can get inspiration from you to donate money or gifts.
You can also help non-profit organizations by shouting out for them on social media. You can organize charity events to attract more and more donors to increase the success rate of your donation project. Because more will be the donors, more will be the success rate.
8- Tax benefits
When you donate money to charity organizations, you also get a great relief from tax. Because non-profit organizations provide you with a receipt that you can use to decrease your tax. So, instead of paying tax, it is an excellent option to do charity for some worthwhile cause.
9- Improve Society Diversity
Many non-profit organizations work to support the socially vulnerable groups.
Many charities or non-profits are created to support vulnerable groups. They can be a group of minority, a religious cause, or helping vulnerable animals or humans. Essentially they will improve awareness and promotion of Diversity and inclusion. There are many different types of Diversity in our society, and some of more popular than others. Donating to charities definitely will help us to build a more diverse community or workplace.
Donate Today!
Once you have selected the charity you would like to donate to, remember that the amount of money you donate does not matter. All that matters is how you have donated it. The charity values will help you become a better person. However, you have to beware of the fake charity organizations because they will misuse the money you have donated for a positive cause. Always conduct proper research and select the organizations that the government has registered.